
Catalog No. A22236

DS-1001b is a mutant IDH-1 (Isocitrate Dehydrogenase-1) inhibitor extracted from patent WO2016052697A1, Example 168, and has antitumor activity.
Catalog Num A22236
M. Wt 608.92
Formula C29H29Cl3FN3O4
Purity >98%
Storage at -20°C 3 years Powder
CAS No. 1898207-64-1
SMILES CC(C)(N)C.O=C(N1C2=CC=CC(/C=C/C(O)=O)=C2C(C)=C1)C3=C(C(C)(F)C)ON=C3C4=C(C=C(Cl)C=C4Cl)Cl
DS-1001b is a mutant IDH-1 (Isocitrate Dehydrogenase-1) inhibitor extracted from patent WO2016052697A1, Example 168, and has antitumor activity.
Concentration / Solvent Volume / Mass 1 mg 5 mg 10 mg
0.1 mM 16.42 mL 82.11 mL 164.23 mL
0.5 mM 3.28 mL 16.42 mL 32.85 mL
1 mM 1.64 mL 8.21 mL 16.42 mL
5 mM 0.33 mL 1.64 mL 3.28 mL

*The above data is based on the productmolecular weight 608.92. Batch specific molecular weights may vary from batch to batch due to solvent of hydration, which will affect the solvent volumes required to prepare stock solutions.