“angiotensin receptors”的搜索结果

5 个项目


  1. LCZ696 (Valsartan)

    Catalog No. A14206
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    angiotensin receptor-neprilysin 抑制剂
    LCZ696 (Valsartan)是一种生物利用型双效血管紧张素受体-中性溶血素抑制剂(ARNi),用于治疗高血压和心力衰竭。 了解更多
  2. H-Val-Pro-Pro-OH

    Catalog No. A18868
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    ACE inhibitor
    H-Val-Pro-Pro-OH, a milk-derived proline peptides derivative, is an inhibitor of Angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE), with an IC50 of 9 μM. 了解更多
  3. Zofenopril

    Catalog No. A13615
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    ACE inhibitor
    Zofenopril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor with an IC50 of 81 μM. 了解更多
  4. Imidaprilate

    Catalog No. A20003
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    ACE inhibitor
    Imidaprilate is an active metabolite of TA-6366, acts as a potent angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, with an IC50 of 2.6 nM, and is used in the research of hypertensive disease. 了解更多
  5. Lisinopril

    Catalog No. A21064
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    angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
    Lisinopril (MK-521) is angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, used in treatment of hypertension, congestive heart failure, and heart attacks. 了解更多

5 个项目

